Monday, February 1, 2010

That Sparky Spark

I am now going to just write something so pathetically honest that everyone will outwardly gasp and exclaim, “How shallow!” while inwardly nodding in absolute agreement.

It’s okay. That’s what I always do too when people say this.

So here’s the deal.

When it comes to dating I’m really only looking for one thing.

That sparky spark.

That electrifying feeling that makes you feel like you just woke up from a long slumber, that life didn’t truly began until you discovered this person’s existence. Saw their face. Heard their voice. Someone you never get sick of talking to or hearing from, who even though you just met feels more familiar than your childhood home.

I know the technical term for what I just described is infatuation, but even finding that is not as easy as it sounds. And I should know. I’ve been single for three years. And I think I’ve been infatuated twice. Twice in three years? I catch a cold more often.

Trust me, I realize infatuation is not sustainable. It is merely the magic that love takes root inside of. Its as fragile as a bubble. Oftentimes, many relationships do not last long once it is crushed beneath the unromantic realities of life.

But it’s still important. It has the potential to be the start of something substantial. It can be that first chapter in a story that lasts the rest of your life.

So if I’m not “feeling it” with someone?

I call it off.

Call me shallow if you want to. I fully realize life is not all about butterflies and breathlessness. But you have to start somewhere.

And all I want?

Is to find that fire.

That starts.

With a spark.

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