Thursday, April 1, 2010

If Elected I promise to . . .

. . . keep my bra on.

I lost you? Oh, sorry, a little background:

It's the last week of voting for the Fargo Star contest that I entered. If you haven't cast your vote for moi, you really should consider doing so.

And here's why:

In my video audition I am singing Amazing Grace in my home office because . . . well? I thought this looked like fun. And life is too short not to try something that looks fun (granted, it's the kind of fun that is legal and video evidence of it showing up later in life will not thwart any of my some day public office aspirations). I think auditioning for this contest falls into my personal "acceptable level of humiliation" category, parameters that were established back in 1987 when my friend dared me to run my bra up the school flag pole. Hello? I was 14. My bra was more like a tank top. What made me think that was a good idea? Hence, "Bra up Flag Pole Idea" forever equals unacceptable public humiliation. I will not expound upon the ridicule I (rightly so) endured.

By comparision, making a video of myself singing (at night, you will notice, because everyone looks better in the dark, that's just a fact, Jack.) is not nearly as self depricating, or stupid. (Ah, the lingering lessons of adolescence . . . )

So here's the deal, vote for me if you want to vote for someone who doesn't let life get her down, who keeps on keeping on, who stumbles upon a singing contest and says, "Ok! Let's give this a whirl!", who fires up her video camera, plugs in her microphone (ignore the fact I own a microphone, will you?), and records one take of herself yowling and throws it on You Tube.

Vote for a woman who takes chances, throws caution to the wind, and says, "Why not?"

So if I do make the top ten, I'll wave a flag of triumph. Not a training bra.

Thank you for your support!

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