Sunday, June 20, 2010

Detour into Dating Land

I think I’m actually going to write about relationships today.

I know. I know. I changed the title of this blog from Dating Land to Chronicles of a Girl because I wasn’t writing about dating too much. I was still blogging under that title but the topics I chose to yak about were more like Celibate on the Farm. Hardly Sex in the City.

Now notice I said I wasn’t writing about dating too much. I never said I wasn’t dating too much.

Oh get off the floor and pull that wool off your eyes dear readers, of course I date. Well, kind of.

Don’t get too carried away with that notion. It just basically means I’m not home knitting every weekend. (Maybe every other . . .)

The truth is I do like writing about relationships. Because guess what? At our funerals no one reads our resumes. People talk about who we loved. And who loved us.

That is the essence of our stories.

Therefore, I haven't given up. And I never will. I get out there. And I try. Over and over again. Because I believe in love. And I'm never going to find it if I don't simply:


So here ya go. The chronicles of this forever inquisitive and eternally awkward little traveler in Dating Land and some highlights from three guys who stumbled into my path in the past year:

Guy #1: Justin Case

I met Justin last fall and we clicked on a level I’d never experienced. Work, interests, sense of humor. I truly had a fantastic time with him. He stated that he thought our connection was exceptional and unparalleled by any previous romantic experience and I agreed. But it turns out he was also having the same identical exceptional and unparalleled experience with another woman at the same time. To his credit he did tell me about her but he quickly qualified this as appropriate since I was ranked ahead of her. But he wanted to maintain contact with her because, well?

(I am all for insurance but that was ridiculous. Adios, bub.)

Guy #2: I. B. Astalker

The next guy was very very nice. We didn’t really have a lot in common but I figured he was worth investing some time in to getting to know better. My definition of “more time” was a much longer timeline than his. After three dates he started showing up unexpectedly where I was and following me around town. Because in his mind I was his girlfriend.

In mine?

He was a stalker.

I’m all for hunting but not when I’m the prey.

Guy #3: Ivan Notdivorcedyet

And finally, there’s sweet Ivan. Ivan neglected to tell me when we first met that he was getting divorced. And wasn’t actually YET divorced.

Goodbye Ivan. Maybe call me next year when you’ve been single for a longer than the lifespan of a house fly.

I love basketball but I never was good at that rebounding deal.

So there you have it. See? I date. It’s true. Although all of these stories have a nice healthy time delay. I never write about the present. And don't even ask if I'm dating now! I may type with wreckless abandonment on the internet but I do have discretion. You’ll just have to keep wondering. Or wait for me to change the name of my blog again.

In fact, I think I already have a title picked out for that shockingly optimistic future time when I do finally meet "the one":

Happily Ever After Land.

Because no matter how many Justin Case/Stalker/Rebound boys cross my path one thing I am never giving up on is the belief in my very own.

Someday fairy tale.

I'll tell you one thing right now, no one is reading this chick's resume' at her funeral. (I don't care how many Pulitzers are on it!) When this life is said and done all I really want anyone to know about me is that:

I lived.

I laughed.

And I.

Loved . . . . . . . . . . .

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