As the mother of two daughters and the owner of one female feline there’s a lot of estrogen going on at my house.
Girl talk. Girl time. Everything girl rules most topics. Boys, bras, and boisterous gatherings.
Ahhhh . . . life on the pink side. ‘Tis lovely.
I have full physical custody of my daughters. This means that my life is consumed with glamorous things like laundry, vacuuming, and meal planning. I once heard that if you are lucky enough to live to be 90 and look back on your life as a pie chart, the slice during which you had children at home will be merely a sliver, hardly a full serving. Therefore I embrace every moment with my daughters. My oldest one turns sweet sixteen next week. And before I can say training bra I know my youngest will soon be chasing the skirts of womanhood as well.
And as I skillfully balance the day to day of making macaroni and cheese with making sure homework is done I also imagine their tomorrows and make sure to impress upon my daughters life lessons that will keep them resilient when I am not there.
One of which is the importance of girlfriends.
Girlfriends are the glue that holds life together when it crumples in your hands like an autumn leaf, they are the most necessary support you can cultivate, more so than Vicky’s most secretive secret. They are the hugs you need when life leaves you lonely, the laughter that fills you when you’re empty, and the soothing words when the silence is loud.
So here’s a picture of me from this weekend. My girls were with their dad so I sought out the other girls in my world who make my life sweet.
Sipping wine at a rooftop restaurant. Hugs, laughter, and words of wisdom were plenty.
Here’s to my girlfriends and all the girls of the world.
Who possess always the magical powers to turn an upside down world.
Right side up.
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